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Über uns

Seit unserer Scheidung vor 11 Jahren haben wir uns intensiv mit IMAGO beschäftigt und dabei unsere Schutzmuster und unsere Beziehungsdynamik erforscht. 

Dies ermöglicht uns, auch heute noch in guter Freundschaft und mit großem Respekt einander zu begegnen. So ist es uns nach wie vor möglich, uns als Elternteile wertschätzend zu begegnen und beruflich als Team zusammenzuarbeiten.

Liliane Strassl

„When there is longing, there is a way“   ​


In this sentence a whole philosophy is expressed. One that has shown and been confirmed repeatedly in my personal life and by counselling many clients.

We especially get in contact with this longing when we don't feel well, when we suffer from physical or emotional pain.

Below many dreadful feelings (i.e. helplessness, shame, desertedness, loneliness, anger, guilt, sadness, grief...) and haunting thoughts there something incredible valuable lies burried. The treasure we encounter when we confront ourself with the pain, is our longing, our inner vision, our deepest need for connectedness, freedom, and happiness....


Professional qualifications and career:

Since 1999 selfemployed in own practice in Salzburg Süd, Grödig


2000-2006 Osteopathy training at Deutsches Osteopathie Kolleg DOK in Rohrdorf


Specific training in osteopathy for children


2009 - 2014 Training in Focusing therapy (Prof. Dr. Joh. Wiltschko and Klaus Renn)


2016 - 2018 Training in Craniosacral Psychodynamik CSP (Michael Mokrus NARM)


2017- 2023  Imago Facilitator IPF


2021 Heilpraktikerin für Psychotherpie (Germany)


2022  Psychologische Lebens- und Sozialberaterin LSB


Heinz Strassl

After postgraduate studies in Adelaide/Australia and various special training courses (PNF) in California/USA and Switzerland (teacher training), together with my wife I founded our practice in Grödig near Salzburg.

In addition, I lectured internationally for many years (in the SMARTERehab concept and as part of the Medical Athletic Coach training). I have been teaching as an external lecturer at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences for about 20 years.


As a speaker at medical and therapeutic congresses and with publications in international specialist journals I gained further experience.


In the past 10 years my focus was increasingly directed on psycho-somatic conditions, on what really moves and drives people and how this is expressed in the body and in interpersonal relationships.

As a result, I trained as an IMAGO Professional Facilitator and IMAGO Couple Therapist (Germany) and completed the alternative practitioner training for psychotherapy in Germany in 2021.


Professional qualifications: 

  • Imago couple therapist (Germany)

  • Imago Professional Facilitator (Austria)

  • Heilpraktiker für Psychotherapie (Germany)

  • Manual Therapy (Australia) 



  • Imago Salzburg Coaching

  • Lecturer at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences

  • Lecturer SMARTERehab international

  • Lecturer Medical Athletic Coach

  • Speaker on medical and therapeutic conferences

  • Publications in international journals â€‹

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