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The adventure of relationship 

the way to liveliness and fulfillment

Ãœber uns

Discover the power of the unique IMAGO coaching method, which focuses on understanding and healing relational dynamics, aiming to create a deeper connection between partners by exploring and addressing the underlying issues


Our offers
Help in relationship and life crises

Couple counselling

Problems in your relationship? - don`t know what to do? If you as a couple can't or don't want to manage the situation on your own any longer, couple councelling is the right decision to find a way out of the crisis and to each other again.


We support you in the event of conflicts, uncertainties, emotional pain or crises. By the means of structured dialogues we guide you to listen to each other carefully and express your needs to each other clearly, to achieve a new and deeper connection.

Setting für Paarcoaching
Liliane Strassl, IMAGO Paartherapeutin beim Einzelcoaching

Individual counselling

In one-to-one coaching, we accompany you in life and meaning crises, offer intensive mental support and motivate reflexion. You will get in better contact with yourself and learn to become more aware of your needs, your visions and dreams

You will discover where possible feelings of lack of self-confidence, disappointments, fears, loneliness, feelings of guilt or anger, etc. come from and how you can best deal with them and access your full potential and your liveliness.

Family/team counselling

In family/team counselling, we will work out and get to the bottom of the different relationship dynamics in your family/team. All members of a family/team who can contribute to solutions of existing problems attend the councelling session together.

We provide you with tools that will help you recognize and change your own ingrained behavioral patterns.

You will learn to capture the conflict situation from the individually different points of view and will find new ways of constructive interaction and togetherness.

Erwachsene Tochter umarmt freudig ihre Mutter

Generation Counselling

"It's never too late for a happy childhood"

Milton Erickson

Generation Counselling you do attend in pairs - either with your mum or your dad, or with one of your grown up children. You can work through topics from the past, clarify cumbersome situations or uncertainties, and heal old pain and percieved insults addressed in specially guided dialogues.

There is also room to express the gratitude and appreciation for the special times together and all the love experienced.

Furthermore, relevant topics like letting go, becoming independent and the need for appropriate closeness/distance can be addressed.

We do offer online counselling, too.

Comfortably from home, uncomplicated.

You save yourself travel and time.


All offered councelling can be booked as online sessions, too.

Laptop auf Tisch

We do offer Counselling in English or German.

Hände, die ein Herz darstellen

Get 6 relationship tips for free

=> via registration to our newsletter!

  • Does the health insurance company pay for the coaching costs?
    No, health insurance companies do not cover the costs of coaching. This has the following advantages for you: shorter waiting times, no registration with the health insurance company and no bureaucracy.
  • What happens if I have to cancel or reschedule an appointment?
    Agreed appointments are reserved for you in my calendar. Up to 48 hours before the appointment, you can postpone or cancel the appointment free of charge. Up to 24 hours before the appointment, a fee of 100 euros will be charged. If you cancel less than 24 hours before the appointment, or if you don't show up without cancellation, you will be charged for the reserved time. Arriving late for an appointment shortens the coaching session.
  • What settings do you offer?
    Perhaps you too know the situation in which you are frustrated, unhappy and disappointed and no longer feel recognized, understood and seen by your loved one. Maybe you even consider throwing everything away and running away, since everything doesn't make any sense anyway....? Or are you facing important challenges or decisions and don't know how to proceed....? Then you've come to the right place! As specialists in relationship coaching, we offer counseling for individuals, couples, intergenerational couples, families and teams in challenging times. All this also online - from the comfort of your own home, uncomplicated - you save time and money. Couples coaching Whenever a couple doesn't know what to do on their own, couple coaching is the right decision to find their way out of the crisis together. We look at your relationship conflicts with you on a deeper level. This takes place in the form of guided dialogues - you will learn to recognize your own protection patterns and where they come from, and work out possible solutions. You will also learn to see your partner with different eyes and to recognize why you (consciously or unconsciously) chose this person. The imago theory assumes that we always choose partners from whom we can grow and learn - because our partner is always a mirror of the parts in us that we don't live (although we would like to) or of parts that we reject in ourselves. Are you ready to work on your relationship, to overcome crises together, to rediscover and strengthen your love? Then we recommend IMAGO couple coaching - it can support you very well and provide you with valuable "tools". Individual coaching Through intensive support and reflection in the form of structured individual dialogues, you will learn to perceive yourself better. You come back into good contact with yourself and learn to perceive your needs, your visions and dreams. In doing so, you will recognize your inner resistance and obstacles, but also your resources and can regain access to what really makes you alive. By consciously looking and raising awareness, you will recognize your own possibilities and solutions! Family coaching There can be many reasons for family coaching: - Parents impending separation - Challenging patchwork situations - One or more family members show abnormalities such as complete withdrawal from the family setting, eating disorders, depression, addiction, etc., - Ongoing crises and disputes that are not resolved constructively. If the family is no longer experienced as a place of community, cohesion and communication, and individual family members no longer feel comfortable talking to each other, then it is advisable and sensible to take advantage of family coaching. For this purpose, all family members who can contribute to solving the problem appear together for the coaching session in order to grasp the existing problem/conflict situation from their respective different points of view and to find new ways of working together. Online Coaching We also offer all coaching - individual, couple, family/team, and generational coaching - online. You can take part via zoom, conveniently and easily from home, and save yourself travel and time and are geographically independent.
  • Are you subject to a duty of confidentiality?
    Yes! We handle your data and your stories from the sessions very carefully and discreetly. We do not pass on any information about the content of the sessions unless you release us from the obligation of confidentiality in writing!
  • How soon can I/we get an appointment?
    The average waiting time for an appointment with us is four to eight days. In the case of acute emotional emergencies, we try to give you an appointment within 24-48 hours.
  • Can I get relationship counseling as a single person?
    YES! We regularly accompany people who want to reflect on past relationships, who are searching or whose relationships keep failing. If we get to know and understand ourselves better, we can also meet other people differently.
  • What do I do if my partner doesn't want to come with me?
    Sometimes a partner develops strong resistance to couples counseling and does not want to come along. This can have different causes. But sometimes it just takes a little more time. Nevertheless, important relationship issues can also be worked out and clarified in individual work, which ultimately leads to an improvement in the couple relationship and sometimes also to changed behavior of the partner who does not take part in the counseling can lead.
  • Does a relationship even have a chance after infidelity?
    An affair/infidelity is always very painful and shakes the foundation of your relationship. But therein lies the great potential to reshape your relationship. Accepting the challenge of being honest with oneself and one's partner and openly expressing one's own wishes, needs and longings - this allows injuries to heal and the partner can learn to forgive. However, the following conditions must be met for a relationship to still have a chance after infidelity: 1. Both partners are willing to give the relationship another chance. (Uncertainty is okay, but if a person definitely does not want more and communicates this clearly, then this decision is also to be accepted.) 2. Both partners are willing to look at the individual issues of the relationship difficulties and to consciously work on the relationship. Most of all couples who have worked seriously with us here under these conditions after infidelity were able to redevelop and shape their relationship. Every couple deserves a chance to take a good look at their relationship before making a hasty, momentous decision.
  • Does couples counseling make sense if I don't know what I want?
    At the beginning of our work, we jointly determine the goal of the consultation. The goal can also be to have the certainty that you have made a good decision at the end of the consultation. We support you in getting to know and understand your partner, yourself and your relationship better and to gain more clarity about your relationship. Partners sometimes have different goals. For example, one person might want the relationship to get better and more intimate, and the other person might want clarity about whether to go or stay. We support you in dealing with these different needs.
  • Approximately how long does relationship counseling take?
    While therapeutic work is done in couples therapy and the deeper work usually only begins after 10 appointments, we have specialized in quick, effective couples counseling, which often starts after just a few appointments brings noticeable changes. Right from the start, we work with structured dialogues and clear rules, which enables more mutual understanding between the partners and the fulfillment of the respective needs and usually very quickly a better understanding for each other and conflicts are thus calmed down. The duration and frequency of couple or individual counseling are individual and depend on what your needs are in the foreground and what goals you are pursuing with the coaching. A recommended coaching frequency is weekly to bi-weekly, especially at the beginning of the consultation.

Help in emergencies​

We are glad to be here for you. If you are in an acute emotional crisis and can't contact us, please call one of the following help lines (if you are in Austria):


Krisenhotline Salzburg: Tel: 0662 433351 

(tägl 0 - 24 Uhr) ​


Telefonseelsorge - Tel: 142 ​


Rat auf Draht (Kinder & Jugendliche) - Tel: 147 ​


Kids-line: 0800 234123 (tägl. 13:00 - 21:00 Uhr)  


Ö3 - Kummernummer: 116 123 

(tägl. von 16:00 - 24:00 Uhr) ​


Notfallpsychologischer Dienst Österreich:

Tel: 0699 - 18855400 (Mo - Fr |  9:00 - 17:00 Uhr)



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